Background: The definition of “concept” as referenced below is a “plan” or “inte

Background: The definition of “concept” as referenced below is a “plan” or “intention.”
Examples of core concepts taken from each chapter are:
“the role of the viewer”
“form and composition”
“material connotations of class and station”
“formal or critical analysis”
“socio-cultural context”
“protest and shock”
“individual vs cultural groups”
Not everything you’ve studied constitutes a “concept.” (I.e, three dimensional art is a type of art, and self-portraits are a genre.)
Purpose: This short essay has you reflecting on an important core concept that you found engaging during this course.
Task: Write 200-250 words, using the steps below.
Identify and describe one core concept the list above that is meaningful to you, and describe at least two artworks and how your choices of artworks relate to the core concept. Include the name of the artists and screenshots of the artworks.
Discuss why and how you connected to the core concept by answering the following questions in detail.Why or how did the artworks you chose inspire you?
Did the artworks and core concept open your mind to new ideas or ways of thinking?
Based on your choice of core concepts and artworks, do you see art having a new role in your life?
Have your thought processes changed about how you process visual information? If so, in what way?
How does art connect to you personally now versus before you started this course?
Criteria on which you will be graded:
Your ability to identify and analyze a core concept from the course.
Your ability to research and connect visual information (artworks) and describe how they relate to core concepts from the course. Do NOT use Wikipedia or online encyclopedias or dictionaries.
Your ability to reflect on your knowledge and thoughts before and after taking this course.

Posted in Art

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