You are an instructor at Tennessee Tech University. You have been charged, by yo

You are an instructor at Tennessee Tech University. You have been charged, by your Dean, with
developing a graduate course In Managerial Communication. You have reviewed similar classes on this
topic and you actually took a communication course as a graduate student.
You have most of the modules created, but you must now create a module for this new Managerial
Communications class on a topic which was not covered in any of your past classes. Remember that this
course is designed for non-traditional students, most of whom are working and going to school.
Additionally, many of them have family responsibilities that take a lot of their time.
Draw on your personal experiences as well as what others have told you, to create this new module on a
“communication topic” that you believe should be a part of the class for these students.
Remember the definition that your instructor liked: “Communication is the constant creation of
understanding; you know what I mean, and I know what you mean.” Then you can take it from there in
any direction that you like.
Some of you have indicated that a study module should have an introductory paragraph or two which
details what the module is designed to accomplish. So, start with that. Then decide what the
assignment(s) should be for the module. Finally, determine how you will grade the assignment and how
you will communicate the grade to students. Feel free to comment on how this class does all of that and
then change whatever you think needs to be changed.
Assume that we have determined that one assignment per module is sufficient to satisfy the academic
requirements of Tech in the current class. Will you make one assignment, or do you think there should
be two or more?
Make sure your module is “substantive.” In other words that it deals with an important communication
topic/challenge that people face in their jobs.
Complete this assignment in no more than two type-written pages.
You can do all of this in ilearn.
Please review and forward any questions that you have to me. I will work to clarify anything that is fuzzy
for any of you.

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