Myths of Endings What do Jews believe about the ‘afterlife’? Is there universal

Myths of Endings
What do Jews believe about the ‘afterlife’?
Is there universal agreement among Jews about what happens after death?
Is speculation on what happens after death a central aspect of Judaism? Why not?
What is “olam ha-ba?” Who was Maimonides?
What does “maschiach” mean? Who is a mashiach? Who are the mashiachs mentioned in the Torah?
What is Mashiach in Greek?
What are the beliefs about the “awaited Mashiach” in Judaism?
What is ethical monotheism?
How do Jewish people understand themselves to have a special role in God’s relation to all humanity?
How is Judaism “non-missionary?”
Does Judaism emphasize practice or belief more?
What does the word “Israel” mean? How is it first used in the Bible?
How does the term Israel describe Jews’ relationship with God? How does it reflect their understanding of and relationship to the Torah?
What is the Torah? What books does it contain?
What is the Tanakh? Why is it called the Tanakh?
What is the Talmud? What role does it play in Judaism?
What is the Halakha? How does many laws are part of it?
What are some examples of laws in the Halakha?
What are the 10 commandments? What are two of them?
What does it mean to eat kosher or kashrut? What are some of the regulations?
Do all Jews follow all of the laws in the Halakha? How do Jews understand them differently today?
What does “tikkun olam” mean? How does it reflect progressive Jewish ethics today?
Traditionally, how many times do Jews pray each day? When are these prayers done?
What is a “tallith?” What do the tassels represent? When is it worn?
What is a “tefillin?” When are they worn? How are they worn?
What is a “kippah?” Why do Jews wear them? Do only men wear them?
What is “Shabbat?” When is it? Why is it observed? How is it observed?
What is Rosh Hashanah? When is it celebrated? How is it celebrated?
What is Yom Kippur? When is it celebrated? How is it celebrated?
What is Hanukkah? When is it celebrated? Why is it celebrated? How is it celebrated?
What is Passover? When is it celebrated? Why is it celebrated? How is it celebrated?
What is circumcision? When is it performed? Why is it performed?
What is a Bar Mitzvah? A Bat Mitzvah? How is it celebrated?
Who are Jewish men and women encouraged to marry? Why?
What is a Kaddish prayer? When is it performed and who performs it?
What is a yahrtzeit?
Contemporary Judaism and Social Justice
What are the four main branches of Judaism?
Who is Jewish? What are the different ways this question could be answered?
How are many Jewish synagogues moving past denominational differences?
Have Jews been active in the pursuit of LGBTQ+ rights?
What does it mean to “welcome the stranger?” And why is it important for Jews?

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