Instructions: You must submit an outline for my review by the end of Week 4. It

Instructions: You must submit an outline for my review by the end of Week 4. It must include a detailed outline of topics and subtopics, as well as an annotated bibliography for 5-7 peer-reviewed source references.
This is the Project paper instruction that is due on week 7:
5-8 pages (double-spaced), excluding the title page, the abstract page (if included), and the references pages.
Choose any topic related to the course and write about the latest developments and issues.
Use at least five references outside of your textbook (you may use your textbook too, but are not required to).
In addition to the required number of pages for the assignment, you must also include a reference page (bibliography), written in APA style, and a title page. Be sure to give all of your papers a descriptive title.
You must get your topic approved by the end of Week 3.
You must provide a 1-page outline of your paper by the end of Week 4. Your outline must include citations to three references (other than your textbook) and a brief summary of at least three references that you will use in your paper.
At Week 6 you will be working on a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the key points of the paper you are working on.
Use APA Style formatting in Arial 11 or 12-point font or Times New Roman styles.
Page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side = 1 inch, with reasonable accommodation being made for special situations
Your paper must be in your own words, representing original work. Paraphrases of others’ work must include attributions to the authors. Limit quotations to an average of no more than 15% of the paper, and use quotations sparingly!

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