Welcome to the world of game development!After a long journey to find ‘optimum’,

Welcome to the world of game development!After a long journey to find ‘optimum’, ‘free’ resources for Unreal Engine 5, I decided that we will instead use a much lighter-weight alternative. Sorry to those who already installed it–play with it and learn to make games visually with Blueprints… 🙂
We’re going to try out raylib, which is an open source, relatively lightweight game engine.
Watch and follow along with the videos below–that is, reproduce everything as shown in the videos.
How to install raylib with C++ on Windows and use it with Visual Studio Code (<5mins)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaAcVk5jUd8Links to an external site. Pong Game with C++ and Raylib - Beginner Tutorial (~45mins)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLJlTaFvHo4Links to an external site. Note that you will likely need to pause and re-watch multiple parts of the videos in order to ensure you're doing everything correctly Your submission will consist of FIVE (5) screenshots (all pasted into a single Word doc): Screenshot with your desktop running VS Code (or Visual Studio) Screenshot showing a folder with the raylib template files (as demonstrated in the video) At least three (3) screenshots of the pong game in development--your choice which steps to choose BONUS (50pts): running, completely functional pong game--including something on the screen that identifies you so I know it's not from someone else Resources: VS Code and Visual Studio Community: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/free-developer-offers/Links to an external site. raylib video game library: https://www.raylib.com/Links to an external site. Source code for pong game from video: https://github.com/educ8s/Cpp-Pong-Game-RaylibLinks to an external site.

Posted in C++

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