prepare 2000 words REPORT. TASK: In this reflective report students need to summ

prepare 2000 words REPORT.
In this reflective report students need to summaries their critical reflection on the topic independent learning.
Your reflective report should contain FIVE sections:
a. Introduction (200 words)
Define the term independent learning (provide citation) and discuss why independent learning is important in
b.Discussion (800 words)
Discuss the importance of adopting the independent learning method in college. (Support your answer with. research)
How can students develop independent learning skills? (Support your answer with research)
c. Reflection (800 words)
In this part you need to reflect on your own experience in college:
-Always incorporate the theory of reflective practice in doing your work. Follow Kolb’s or Gibb’s Reflection Model while providing reflection on experience of learning. As much as possible you need to include examples of theory and relate this to your experiences bellow.
-Write about the challenges you encountered in college.
-Mention two skills you need to acquire or improve in order to overcome the challenges you mentioned earlier.
d.Conclusion (150 words)
Summarize the above discussion and provide a conclusion.
e. References
You must use at least Ten academic sources. Include proper in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your assignment. Follow the Harvard referencing style.
Additional instructions:
The Report must be submitted online through Turnitin before the due date.
The title page of the report must show your Student Name and Student ID.
For the main text use the font at size 12 point and use 1.5 line spacing

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