the name of the radio station is V103 or Audacy Here are the things that need to

the name of the radio station is V103 or Audacy
Here are the things that need to be corrected in the paper please, cite sources and also add these references to the paper see below
I found a PDF that provides V-103 target market and other good information. Could you include it in the Target market portion of the article. I didn’t see where it touched on the past, present and future audience. I’ve included links and an attachment to reference.
2. Industry and competitive trends (nationally and for Atlanta): I found an article that could be used to discuss industry and competitive trends. See below
3. Attached are interview Questions from Ricky Caffey, portions of the interview should be referenced in the article where it applies.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Target Market reference links-
Rituals Focused Campaign Drives Audacy App Downloads (
Rituals Focused Campaign Drives Audacy App Downloads
Audiences organize their day around Audio, and Audio is a ritual in itself. A head turning 74% of U.S. adults indicate they make time to listen to the

Industry trends Reference Links-
Microsoft Word – AUD – 3Q 2023 earnings release vf (
Here are a few links to information that is very usually to use in the paper.
Rituals Focused Campaign Drives Audacy App Downloads
There’s no place like Audio for the Holiday Sales (
There’s no place like Audio for the Holiday Sales
Are you deep into your holiday shopping? Are you still looking for a better deal? Audio listeners trust the brands they hear about.
I attached the paper and also the narrative for you to correct

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