part 1 For the minimum requirement of the final paper you will need to write a 3

part 1
For the minimum requirement of the final paper you will need to write a 3 page paper (1.5 line spaced) relative to the Real Estate Finance industry. This can be on any topic we covered in class or you have wanted to explore more about. To meet an A grade this paper must be well researched, documented and a knowledge learned. I am not looking to read a paper about the industry (as i know enough about), but looking for you to research some topic in more detail so you may gain more knowledge about the Real Estate Finance industry.
part2 2: For this paper it would need to be at least 4 pages (1.5 line spaced). you would need to meet with an industry professional that interests you in real estate. Preferably an industry you may have your eye on after graduation. In meeting with this professional (someone you do not work with) I would like you to ask the following questions below and have a thought provoking paper on what you learned from this discussion. You can write about their answers, but I really want to know what you gained from these questions. In order to receive an A grade, the paper must demonstrate what you have learned from your discussion and how this will impact you moving forward. What are the take aways for yourself.
1. Industry experience? Years? Certifications? Education? What to you do in detail and how does an average day look? What does a good day look like? Bad day look like?
2. What do you like most about your career/industry?
2. What do you NOT like about your career/industry?
3. If you could change anything about your career/industry, what would you change?
5. If I am to seek this career/industry what advice would you give me?

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