Many pathophysiological conditions are associated with aging and age-related cha

Many pathophysiological conditions are associated with aging and age-related changes in cells, tissues, and body systems. A new generation of researchers hold the belief that aging should be classified as a disease. This premise has created much debate in scientific, medical, and gerontology circles. You will have an opportunity to explore and debate this issue in this discussion.
Before completing your initial post, please read the article linked below.
Aging as a Disease.pdf
In your first discussion post, respond to the items below. Your post should contain at least 200 words. Please support your information with at least one additional credible source, cited in APA format.
Summarize something in the article that resonated with you, either positively or negatively. How would you further support an argument for or against this?
Relate something you have learned during this course that you can apply to your position on aging as a disease.
Do you think that the current scientific or medical research communities place too much emphasis on discovering ways to defy the normal aging process? Why or why not?
How does this topic affect you as a health care professional?

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