Your post should be the equivalent of one or two paragraphs and no more than thr

Your post should be the equivalent of one or two paragraphs and no more than three. Use course material from the lectures and readings. Answer thoughtfully and succinctly and in your own words. When you are asked to reflect, think carefully, and trust your own thoughts and feelings.
You will not be able to read your fellow student’s posts until you first post a comment on the week’s discussion topic.
Discussion Prompts (worth up to 20 points):
Please address the following ideas in this discussion forum:
Often the resource needs and desires of local peoples are in competition with the needs and desires of the nation. How best should we assess/resolve these conflicts?
What about global resource demands and needs with local resource needs and demands?
Discussion Feedback (worth up to 5 points):
Please review and reflect on responses from your fellow students. Respond to one post that is different from yours.
Limit your comments to 1-3 paragraphs maximum.

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