Requirements: 5-7 pages NOT including the instrument list at the end, type your

Requirements: 5-7 pages NOT including the instrument list at the end, type your answers below each question, Times New Roman 12 font, double spaced, 1” margins; use complete sentences and correct spelling and grammar.At the end of this document is a list of what may have been played. No drum circle uses everything.
What is a ‘Drum Circle’? (Cite references, internet link will do).
What is the history of the drum circle? (Cite references, internet link will do).
Where and how are drum circles used? (Cite references, internet link will do).
How would you explain a drum circle to someone who has never experienced one?
What specific instruments were used in this drum circle?(In other words, what kinds of drums and hand percussion were used, and what did you play)?
Describe how the drum circle unfolded: what was first, what was next, etc.
Describe your reactions to each phase of the drum circle- did anything surprise you about the drum circle?
What part did you like best and why?
What part did you like least and why?
What were you able to gain from this experience?
For this drum circle, i used a drum called a djembe. so can you write me a report about this?

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