Attached are the requirements for ProgrammingAssignment1 which focuses on classe

Attached are the requirements for ProgrammingAssignment1 which focuses on classes and inheritance.
ITP250ProgrammingAssignment1.docx Download ITP250ProgrammingAssignment1.docx
It counts 100 points of your FinalGrade.
Depending on how you approach the problem, you could have as many as 3 files or as few as 1 file. I created a file for the SimpleInterest class and a file for the CompoundInterest class and an file that imported those 2 files in order to get the user data, validate it, create the objects, store them in a list, and display the list.
Submit the .py file(s) and/or Jupyter notebook file(s) here and be sure to check your submission afterwards to see if the files can be downloaded and if you submitted the correct files. If I can’t download your files and test your code to see if it works, you get a 0.

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