You have 2 options on how to complete this assignment. OPTION 1:  Research onl

  You have 2 options on how to complete this assignment. OPTION 1:  Research online and read about self care, identifying signs of burnout and how to prevent burnout.
You must find reputable sources online, which means staying away from any websites that are trying to sell products or are based on religious beliefs. If you can find evidence-based practices that would be even better. This would mean that the program has data and results that show/prove they are able to help people recover from drug abuse.
After you find articles and do your research, please write a 3-page paper summarizing the research you have found. Be detailed.
Be certain to mention fully your sources of information within your paper. You do not need a bibliography or works cited page. But, you do have to tell me where you got your information or data.
The paper should be 3 pages in length at a minimum.
Your paper must be written with 12-point Arial font with 1-inch margins. It also must be double-spaced.

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