1 – Download the attached document and complete the questions included. 2- Real

1 – Download the attached document and complete the questions included.
2- Real estate property investor tools
Discuss among your peers the online property investor tools that you have found.
What are the advantages of using this tool?
How will this tool assist you in navigating the property ownership process?
3- Land expropriation, land owners and the property market [instructor-led]
The South African National Assembly initiated a process to amend the Constitution to allow for the expropriation of land without compensation. Land expropriation has been focused on three main goals specifically directed towards key issues such as increased agricultural production and addressing inequitable spatial planning related to human settlements. Although residential and commercial properties will likely not be affected directly by land expropriation, concerns have been raised by residential and commercial property owners around the reach of the legislation. The potential infringement on property rights could be said to have a negative impact on local and foreign investor confidence. The state of land expropriation therefore has various possible implications. Discuss the following with your peers:
What implications could land expropriation have on the commercial and residential property markets?
What concerns would you have as a potential property developer or investor?
What are your views on how land expropriation/redistribution could be implemented in an effective and equitable manner?
Think about how current land owners, from both public and private sector, can be a part of an effective solution.
4- Landlords, tenants, and property ownership
This unit has focused on the property ownership process and what the legal management of a rental property entails. You have been introduced to the duties and responsibilities of both the landlord and tenant which, if followed, will ensure a mutually beneficial and harmonious relationship between these parties.
Nevertheless, these responsibilities are often not fully understood or adhered to. For this small group discussion forum, consider the following questions:
Have you ever experienced a bad landlord-tenant relationship? If so, what went wrong?
Now that you have a greater understanding of landlord and tenant responsibilities, how do you think this could have been resolved?
What concerns do you have about becoming a landlord?

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