Homework 4 In this HW, we will study the pay gap between men and women who have

Homework 4
In this HW, we will study the pay gap between men and women who have jobs in San Francisco. We will use the following two csv files to accomplish this task.
Salaries.csv : contains salaries for over 100K employees in SF from 2011 to 2014.
Names.csv : contains baby names from 1980 to 2014 along with counts of how many times the given baby name was used.
We would like to find the average salary of men and women over all jobs from 2011 to 2014. The problem, however, is that the Salaries.csv does not contain gender. Futher, there are many names that are unisex. Since we have counts in the file Names.csv, we use a majority vote to label the gender of each name in Names.csv.
You will be asked to write a series of functions to implement this task.
Note: Unlike previous homeworks, the problems in this homework are inter-dependent in the sense that you can only pass the test for problem n if you have passed the test cases in problem n-1, since normally problem n requires to call the function in problem n-1.

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