This paper requires students to examine a specific offense common in organized c

This paper requires students to examine a specific offense common in organized crime in detail, including a consideration of criminological theory as it relates to this offense. Papers should be 6-8 double-spaced pages, drawing from at least 6 sources (at least 3 of these should be peer-reviewed articles; any source that is not a peer-reviewed article should be a government report or academic book) and must use proper citation in APA format.
For this project, you should write an 6-8-page (double-spaced excluding cover page, abstract, and references) research paper in APA format. This paper will be a background and review of the literature about the organized crime offense you selected. The following items should be present in the paper:
• Title Page
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Background of the offense, including a clear definition of the offense and its connection to organized crime (examples may be useful here)
• A critical review of the available literature—Some questions you may want to consider are: how prevalent is this crime, what do we know about this offense, who commits these offenses, and why? (examples may be useful here)
• Which criminological theory or theoretical perspective best describes this crime and why?
• Conclusion
• References
Topics for course paper:
Commercial Sex
counterfeit products
Drug trafficking (could focus on a specific drug)
Labor Racketeering
Business Racketeering
Money Laundering
Financial scams
*Other offenses may be acceptable, but run them buy the instructor before beginning.
Some of these offenses are not specific to organized crime, while others generally are. Be sure to connect this to organized crime in your paper. This does not have to be the entirety of the paper, but there should be substantial connection to organized crime/OC groups.

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