The physical and biological environment that we depend on for our survival is dy

The physical and biological environment that we depend on for our survival is dynamic. It’s always changing in ways small and large. Humans can alter the pace of this change and change the environment in novel ways. For this forum, find an environmental issue or problem that affects somewhere in North, Middle or South America. In your post, describe the causes of the issue, the effects (positive and negative) of the issue on the environment and affected people, and also discuss possible ways to remediate the negative effects of its impact. You should focus your post on a relatively small geographic area. For instance, if you’re talking about deforestation, you could discuss deforestation in the Amazon, or Nicaragua or if you want to talk about pollution, you could focus on Times Beach, Missouri or the Love Canal incident in New York or the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. You can start with your text for some ideas or you can look to news sources as well. Be sure to indicate your source.

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