Follow the directions carefully (failure to do so will result in point deduction

Follow the directions carefully (failure to do so will result in point deductions for this assignment):
Please NO ONLINE AI, No plagiarism, and no advanced vocabulary! Thank you!
Please engage in a political action during the time that you are taking this class (i.e., the political action must take place between the start date and end date for this class). Examples include (but are not limited to) voting in an election, attending political rallies/events, attending virtual talks/forums about something political, watching recorded governmental meetings like your local city council meetings, contacting elected officials by posting a question/comment to their official website, etc. You must engage in this action during this class (meaning the action must take place while you are enrolled in this class). A political action that you had done prior to enrolling in this class will not be usable for this assignment. For this assignment, you need to write a 3-5 page essay (double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins) to address the following two parts:
Part 1: Analyze how your experience with your political action compares to what you have read in the assigned readings listed on the syllabus. Explain how your political action brings to mind specific things that you learned from the assigned readings listed on the syllabus. You must do a detailed compare/contrast of your political action experience with specific things found in the the assigned readings listed on the syllabus. Is your personal real-world experience during your political action the same as or different from what is presented in the assigned readings? Explain. For example, if you voted in this year’s election (e.g. vote by mail), describe what you experienced and explain how this compares to what you read about regarding voting and elections in the Krutz textbook. Explain your thoughts in ample detail, and cite to parts in the Krutz textbook that covers elections and voting. Alternatively, if you watched recorded video of city council meetings or watched a city council meeting live via Zoom, describe what you experienced and explain how this compares to what you read about regarding local government and city councils in the Krutz textbook. Explain your thoughts in ample detail, and cite to parts in the Krutz textbook that covers city councils and local government.
Don’t forget to include citations to specific things from the the assigned readings listed on the syllabus and cite as parenthetic citations. Example: when citing to the Krutz textbook which you are assigned to read for the class, include parenthetic citations to the book (meaning to put the citations containing the author’s name and page number or section number within parentheses). It should look like (Krutz, page number/section number). If citing from any of the online links, for the purposes of this class, simply place the title of the link within parentheses, for example (Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail). If your paper does not contain any citations to the assigned readings listed on the syllabus for the class, you will lose points. You are not required to use outside resources for this assignment, but if you do, please include a separate reference/bibliography/works-cited page. Note: a reference/bibliography/works-cited page will NOT be counted in your overall essay page count.
Part 2: Identify a specific political issue/problem that is currently highlighted in the news right now, and use everything that you have learned from class AND from your experience gained from your political action to create detailed strategies for taking action to respond to (or even solve) that political issue/problem in the news. Make sure to include a citation to the news source (name of the news source and/or URL web address, etc.). Not including a citation to a news source in your paper will also result in a loss of points.
Important: Please provide proof of your participation. Your proof could be a screen shot (pic) of your computer screen showing the Zoom session or recorded governmental meeting video, a screen shot (pic), or a picture of you mailing in your ballot during the election. If you decide to contact an elected official, your proof should be screenshots of your comment (clearly showing your name) being posted to the elected official’s website and a screenshot of confirming that your comment was received. You need to paste your proof directly onto the end of your paper, i.e. put on the last page. For example, leave a blank page at the end of your paper where you will copy and paste your picture onto that last page of your paper. Note: your proof page will NOT be counted in your overall essay page count. If you do not provide proof, you will lose substantial points.
Your 10 points will be based on how well you really, really explain your thoughts and examples, how well you integrate specific ideas from the assigned readings (with appropriate citations), and how well you write your essay to have no spelling/grammatical errors and/or readability issues. The more that you explain your arguments and can support them with specific ideas and examples from both your political action AND the assigned readings from this class, the better you will do on this essay.
Short Part 3 – Post a short paragraph in which you give a basic summary of your political action paper. What was your paper about? What were its main points?

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