Answer the following in detail and please include the criminal code for all offenses.
1.Provide the criminal codes for homicide in Alabama, Texas, and Washington.
2. Describe any differences among these criminal codes.
3. Provide the criminal code for homicide and manslaughter in Alabama.
4. What are the key differences between each of these?
5. How do the penalties for each of these differ?
6. What are the criminal codes governing sexual assault in the first degree, second degree, and of a minor less than 12 years of age.
7. What are the classifications for each of these (misdemeanor A, B, C, etc.) and the sentences each of these carries?
8. Under the Alabama Criminal Code, what criminal offenses would Phillip Chisholm be held criminally liable for?
9. Using the Alabama Sentencing Standards Manual, what sentence length should he have gotten for these offenses?
10. Do these differ from the sentence he received in Massachusetts?
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