Week 5 Print Welcome to Week 5 of BIB3530 Pauline Epistles: Romans! You are al

Week 5

Welcome to Week 5 of BIB3530 Pauline Epistles: Romans! You are almost done. This week you will begin by reviewing your IBS assignments from last week and then move on to perform detailed study on Romans 13:1–7. The capstone assignment for this final week will be a revised and expanded version of your Romans Book Survey.

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List of Topics and Sub-Modules for Week 5
• Prepare
To prepare for this week’s learning, read/watch the items below:
• Go over the Romans 9:1–29 Detailed Analysis Review PowerPoint.
• Go over the Romans 12–15 Division Survey Review PowerPoint.
• Review the following inductive Bible study (IBS) materials.
o Division Survey Template
o Detailed Analysis Template
o How to Study Words and Phrases.
o Common IBS Errors. (detailed analysis section).
• Study Romans 13:1–7.
• Read the section of Keener, Bible Background Commentary on Romans 13:1–7.
WK5 Devotional

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
(Rom 12:1–2 ESV)
Romans 12:1–2 seems to be a general statement that the rest of Romans 12–15 particularizes. These verses are familiar to many Christians. However, one key element that is easy to pass over is what Paul says we should present as a living sacrifice: our bodies. Often, we think about giving God our hearts, minds, spirits, souls, etc., and Paul certainly thinks that all these things are important (the mind comes up in 12:2). Yet the specific thing that he says we should present is our bodies.
• Why do you think Paul says that we should present our bodies as a living sacrifice?
• How does contemporary culture tend to view the body? How does Paul’s command challenge contemporary culture?
WK5 Romans 9:1–29 Detailed Analysis Discussion

Objective: Interpret Romans 9:1–29 in its literary, canonical, and historical context and apply it to contemporary issues.
In this discussion, you will reflect on the major insights you gained from the assignment you submitted last week. Be sure to go over the Review PowerPoint for this assignment before posting, as this may impact what insights you choose to share.
• In your post, list the 5 most significant insights you gained from the assignment. For each insight, give a one-sentence main point in italics followed by a few sentences of explanation.
WK5 Romans 12–15 Division Survey Discussion

Objective: Analyze the structure and literary forms of Romans 12–15.
In this discussion, you will reflect on the major insights you gained from the assignment you submitted last week. Be sure to go over the Review PowerPoint for this assignment before posting, as this may impact what insights you choose to share.
• In your post, list the 5 most significant insights you gained from the assignment. For each insight, give a one-sentence main point in italics followed by a few sentences of explanation.
WK5 Romans 13:1–7 Detailed Analysis

Objective: Interpret Romans 13:1–7 in its literary, canonical, and historical context and apply it to contemporary issues.
In this assignment, you will be performing detailed study on Romans 13:1–7.
• Review the following IBS materials:
o Detailed Analysis Template
o How to Study Words and Phrases.
o Common IBS Errors. (detailed analysis section).
• Study Romans 13:1–7.
• Read the section of Keener, Bible Background Commentary on the focus passage.
• Produce a detailed analysis of the passage using the Detailed Analysis Template and the other resources noted above. A few notes:
o Write your assignment into the Detailed Analysis Template document itself and use the built-in paragraph styles. Do not copy and paste the template content into another document.
o Include the following word/phrase studies:
 “be subject to” (13:1)
 “governing authorities” (13:1)
 “servant” (13:4)
 “for the sake of conscience” (13:5)
 “owe” (13:7)
 One other word/phrase of your choosing
o Your submission should be at least 3–4 pages in the template (which is single-spaced). However, the quality is more important than the quantity, so merely writing 4 pages does not guarantee a good grade.
All written assignments should be formatted using APA.
WK5 Revised and Expanded Romans Book Survey

Objective: Identify the general materials, structure, and overarching message and emphases of Romans.
In this assignment, you will “zoom out” to apply everything that you have learned about Romans during this course to your big-picture understanding of the book.
• Review the following inductive Bible study (IBS) materials.
o Book Survey Template
o Structural Relationships Questions.
o Common IBS Errors. (book survey section)
• Produce a revised and expanded version of your Romans Book Survey.
o Revise your original Romans Book survey based on the feedback that you received. You may also want to change other elements that you have recognized need to be revised in light of your study.
o Expand your Romans Book Survey to demonstrate growth in your understanding of Romans across the course.
o Include a summary note at the end of your assignment that lists the major changes from the original version.
All written assignments should be formatted using APA.

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