ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW Criminal justice professionals utilize various

Criminal justice professionals utilize various forms within their organizations to report facts
about an investigation. Those forms will vary from organization to organization. The general
information gathered in these forms should be similar.
One other common form in criminal investigations is the Incident Report and Victim Sheet. For
the Investigation Project: Part 2 – Incident Report and Narrative Assignment, you will be
completing an Incident Report and Victim Sheet based upon the provided facts.
In addition to utilizing forms to report investigation facts, a criminal justice professional may be
called upon to write a narrative summary of the incident. A narrative summary is an objective
document that summarizes the investigation in paragraph format, rather than on a form. The
narrative section is a blank portion of the report that the officer uses to clarify the cover sheet
information. It provides a chronological history of the officer’s involvement.
This Investigation Project: Part 2 – Incident Report and Narrative Assignment has two
components: The Incident Report & Victim Sheet and the Narrative Summary. These items
should be created separately and then submitted as two documents for this Module: Week.
Incident Report & Victim Sheet
Review the facts provided, including the witness interviews and the photos of the crime scene.
Based upon your review and analysis of these facts, fill in the sections of the Incident Sheet.
Please note that the Incident Sheet and Victim Sheet are two pages that are contained in one
Fill in as many details about the crime as you can. If the provided facts do not include
information to match a section of the sheet, write “Unknown” or “UNK”.
Important Notice: To complete and submit this assignment, you will need to install Adobe
Reader if it is not already on your computer. The protected PDF files will need to open in a PDF
Reader, instead of Microsoft Word. The link for setting up Adobe Reader can be found in the
Resource section.
Narrative Summary
Review the facts provided, including the witness interviews and the photos of the crime scene.
Prepare a 1–2-page Narrative Summary in the current APA format.
Within the Narrative Summary, provide specific details about the incident in an objective manner
using only the facts provided in the investigation file.
CJUS 230
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Your Narrative Summary must include the following sections, providing these headings for each
1. Source of Activity- This section of the report is used by the reporting officer to document
his/ her reason for being at the location of the incident. (i.e.: On July 2, 2018 at
approximately 0128 hours, I was dispatched to 429 “Z” street in reference to a theft
2. Observations- This section is used to describe the reporting officer’s observations that led
to the arrest.
3. Arrest- This section is used to describe the reporting officer’s actions at the time of arrest,
if an arrest occurred. In this section, the officer once again covers the justification for the
arrest. (Pursuant to warrant #2018-00239, the suspect was placed under arrest.)
4. Statements- This section is used to summarize any formal statements made by the
arrestee, witnesses, or victims.
5. Booking- This section is used to record the location of booking along with the charges
and transporting officer, if any.
6. Evidence- This section is used to recap previously mentioned seized property and
indicate a disposition of the items.
7. Additional- This section is used to record any facts that are not included in one of the
previously mentioned subtitles. (i.e.: towed suspect’s vehicle, passengers, etc.)
Use proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

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