The final project is worth 400 points and is designed to deepen your knowledge o

The final project is worth 400 points and is designed to deepen your knowledge of
sociological research on racism and ethnic relations. You will have the choice between
(1) writing a brief 5- page paper related to Bashi Treitler’s book The Ethnic Project or (2)
creating a multimedia PowerPoint presentation about a specific antiracist organization,
initiative, or community leader in New York state.
Final projects will be due on Brightspace by Sunday November 19th 11:59 PM with a 48
hour grace period extending through Tuesday November 21st 11:59 PM. Papers
submitted after this date and time will be downgraded 1 letter grade per day, starting
at 12:00 AM Wednesday November 22nd .
Projects will be graded out of a possible 400 points and will be evaluated with regard
1. Logic, clarity of argumentation and organization (80 points)
2. Accuracy of theoretical and empirical claims (80 points)
3. Originality and creativity (80 points)
4. Proper use of citations and evidence (80 points)
5. Style, spelling, grammar and formatting (80 points)
Research Requirement:
For both project options, you must cite at least two academic sources (scholarly articles
and books) drawn from the syllabus or the Stony Brook University library database. You
can include references from the syllabus in your academic sources. Any academic source
you cite should have page numbers and a specified author. Be sure to paraphrase
appropriately, use quotations where necessary, cite correctly and avoid plagiarism.
Citations and bibliographies should be formatted according to the ASA Style Guide,
available in the Main Library (HM73 .A54 1997) or on Blackboard. You can also learn
more about the ASA citation style guide here:
When referring to research, students are expected to:
• Use quotation marks to distinguish between your words and source text.
• Integrate in-text citations with ASA format to support your claims.
• Exercise the skill of paraphrasing theories and concepts in your own words while also
providing proper attribution. This means that you should provide an in-text citation with
the author’s last name, year of publication and page number when referring to an author’s
ideas, whether with a paraphrase or a direct quotation. See the ASA citation style guide
for further information.

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