To complete this assignment do the following: Watch this video lecture: Musical

To complete this assignment do the following:
Watch this video lecture: Musical Theater Field Report VideoThis video has detailed instructions for preparing to go to the play and what to do when you are there. If you want to read along as you watch the video, click on the CC icon to turn on the captions. If the video does not begin playing immediately, be patient. Also, it is sometimes a good idea to try a different browser if you are having trouble.
Download the correct form: Field Report – Musical Theater and Opera.doc
To complete the music field report you must attend a musical theater performance. Performances that are produced by college and university theater departments are well suited for this assignment. There are professional organizations that produce performances that work well also.
Go to the library and research the show and its creators.
Fill out the form using your word processor.
Save the completed form to your computer. Include your name as part of the file name.
Upload the file to Canvas using the link below.
A note about plagiarism. Read each question on the form carefully. Some prompts call for you to respond with original writing. When you see a question on the form that contains the phrase, “in your own words”, do not copy/paste anything written by someone else. This is plagiarism and its a form of academic fraud. Consequences are serious and include being kicked out of the college.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You are expected to attend the event that you are reporting on. Submitting a field report for an event that you did not participate in will be regarded as academic fraud.

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