Today I will be discussing the Chenega Corporation forecasting process for ENFIRE kits and Tech Refresh Kits. In order for this process to begin we receive a fielding tracker schedule. The fielding tracker will highlight all the projected shipments and organizations that we will be sending kits to, for the fiscal year calendar year.

Good Morning Class,
Today I will be discussing the Chenega Corporation forecasting process for ENFIRE kits and Tech Refresh Kits. In order for this process to begin we receive a fielding tracker schedule. The fielding tracker will highlight all the projected shipments and organizations that we will be sending kits to, for the fiscal year calendar year. The most important factor on the tracker is the Required Delivery Date (RDD date). The Required Delivery Date (RDD) is the date that the items requested needs to be received and into the customer’s hands. Based on the Required Delivery Date we project how far in advanced we need to start the preparations for kits and have them transported. The first step would be to prepare DD form 1149. This form will highlight all participating parties including the receiver, shipper, and all required information for the government. Then the approving authority Contracting Officer Representative signs off on the form. The next step is that all shipments must be organized in numerical order and by utilizing this strategy, shipments are easier to identify and track. All systems need to have the latest updated image installed to each computer and hard drive. Each system component will be tested and tagged with the serial number of each system it belongs to. This process will take at least 2 -3 weeks to complete and will be verified by three people to make sure the kits are prepared according to government standards. The last step is uploading all shipment documents and request transportation for the shipment. Some factors that interrupt forecasting is due to holidays, weather, government, and delays with the currier. Since weather can’t be predicted we relay this information to our customer, apologize for the delay and tell them we will get their product to them as quickly as possible. Then we ask the customer how they want us to proceed. During holiday projections we must move forward to avoid rush of shipments during busy and sometimes unpredictable times.

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