For your article analysis assignment, you will summarize and analyze the assigne

For your article analysis assignment, you will summarize and analyze the assigned article (From the Handmaid’s Tale… The Female Gaze Is Thriving) as well as provide media examples of the analysis.
Finally, you will provide feedback on at least 1 article analysis submitted by a colleague. Please be respectful in your feedback of others’ work.
The format will be the following:
1) Summarize the reading in 1 paragraph. The paragraph should be at least 3-4 sentences, you may go beyond this if needed. Please use full sentences. Title this section “Summary”.
2) Select 3 key themes/terms highlighted in the reading. Analyze and discuss the key themes/terms. Your analysis of each key theme should be at least 3 sentences long, you may go beyond this if needed. Please use full sentences. Title this section “Key Themes” before providing the key themes.
3) Provide 2-3 applied media examples that illustrate the key themes. Provide the media clip
and discuss how it is connected to the readings. (Provide 2-3 applied examples in total, not for each key theme). Title this section “Media Examples”.
Below are some methods you may use:
3a) Are there media clips (tv, youtube, social media) that might
provide an example of themes discussed in article?
3b) Are there current events or a recent news article that illustrate what
is being discussed? What are the connections? How can we apply the
themes in your assigned article to what is going on in today’s world?
Please provide the links to current event webpage.
3c) Is there music that relates to the themes? Provide the link to the
music, provide the song lyrics, and analyze song. Discuss
how it illustrates reading themes.
Some suggestions for success in the assignment: Move BEYOND summary to critical analysis. What does this mean?
Be as specific as possible in the information you provide. Don’t assume we know what you know.
Please don’t use any AI my professor will know. Please follow all the intrusions. Let me know if you have any questions.

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