Task explanation: without asking anyone else and without looking up any answers,

Task explanation: without asking anyone else and without looking up any answers, pick a family type you are not familiar with and estimate the living costs requested in the handout below. Once you have done the math, you will be able to go into the MIT website that contains the average living households and you will be able to understand how well aware you are of rising living costs and family economic needs.
Assignment: Fill out the Class Activity Family Budget form to the best of your ability. Once you have completed the math, go into Living Wage Calculator (mit.edu)Links to an external site. and match the family type with yours. Take a few minutes to contemplate how off or close you were in your estimated living needs and what you learned from this. Write a small paragraph with your reflection on this assignment, your preconceived notion of living costs, the reality of living costs, and connect this to the course readings if possible.

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