PART 1 Answer all of the following questions with a minimum of 150 words per que

Answer all of the following questions with a minimum of 150 words per question. Please submit by the due date.
Do you believe that the “generation X” police officers need to be managed differently than police officers have been in the past? Justify your response.
Discuss the difference between power and authority as it pertains to leadership.
What are the differences between conceptual and technical skills? Include examples of each in your discussion.
Identify the five major management styles from the Managerial Grid and discuss the management style of each.
Describe and explain situational leadership
Answer all of the following questions with a minimum of 150 words per question. Please submit by the due date.
Describe the things a group leader can do to minimize groupthink. Why is group think so important?
What is synoptic planning?
Discuss the heuristic model.
Discuss the incident with the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, and how the actions of law enforcement aggravated the situation.
What are some of the important recommendations, developed in this chapter, for handling future crisis events?

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