Now it is time to take our brain on a workout! For this extra credit activity, y

Now it is time to take our brain on a workout! For this extra credit activity, you can get up to 2 points.
Remember, these activities are ways that we reinforce and strengthen neural connections to present moment where data shows that we are most effective and happy.
Please choose ONE of the following activities, participate and then submit your reflection. For example, you may choose to try yoga, so you would choose one of the yoga tutorials, participate and then reflect on the experience, filling the form out that is attached to the assignment and sharing that reflection with me. You only need to do ONE activity and I have purposely given you many options to choose from so that you can find one that connects with you.
Mindful & moving meditations are located in folders below module 6, though you may use your own app or physically go to a class.
Option 1: Gratitude List A-Z
Gratitude is a powerful contributor to happiness so for this brain training, we want you to find something that you are grateful for that starts with each of the letters of the alphabet. You do not need to to the Brain Training Reflection for this but rather format it the following way when you submit:
Here is a brief example:
I am grateful for the following:
A: My ability to accept the experiences I encounter
B: Birds
C: Coffee and my compassion
Option 2: Try One of the Following Moving Meditations (Yoga, Tai Chi & Qigong)
Below Module 6, you will see modules that contain Yoga, Tai Chi & Qigong YouTube tutorials. Please choose one to participate in and then reflect on your experience using the below form. You may also attend a live class or if you have a different YouTube channel that you like, feel free to participate in that but please do at least 20 minutes.
Brain Training Reflection Form to be filled out and submitted:
Brain Training Reflection-4.docx

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