Outline: at least 500 words A literature review demands careful consideration of

Outline: at least 500 words
A literature review demands careful consideration of the key texts in
a particular sub-field. For this assignment, students will write a
literature review that offers an account of their chosen sub-field.
goal is not only to summarize the contributions of each source to the
sub-field, but to place different authors in dialogue with each other.
By relating texts in this way, you should be able to identify the
strengths and weaknesses within the existing literature. Elements in a
literature review might include: major debates or controversies in your
sub-field; key findings that have shaped the area; typical research
methods used; formative theoretical frameworks; and recent research
trends. Throughout this assignment, work to position yourself as a
scholar and/or set up the context for your own thesis topic and research
In order to get you to start thinking about your
paper and to sift through the literature on your topic, you will create
an outline of your final paper. Your outline should include full
sentences that provide the main idea for each section of your paper.
Please see the specifics below. Do not forget to attach an APA style
title page and reference list.
Please use the
Annotated Bibliography to finish this assignment. Please note: the
annotated bibliography lists a set of sources in alphabetical order – so
please re-organize each source to finish the outline and come up with
an argument.
Brief Outline 500 words
Introduction: Write one sentence stating what makes the topic worth
researching and of interest to readers. This constitutes an argument for
why the topic is important.

II. Body: Write one sentence that
previews what you know about your topic based on the literature. This
constitutes an argument about what the literature tells us. – for this
section, please do not write too much content. Just indicate which
research is fit in each section
A. Write a paragraph generalization you want to make about the evidence (an argument or claim).
Write a one-sentence summary of the article – think about key findings
that have shaped the area; typical research methods used; formative
theoretical frameworks
2. Write a one-sentence summary of the article
3. Write a one-sentence summary of the article

B. Write a paragraph generalization you want to make about the evidence (an argument or claim).
Write a one-sentence summary of the article – think about key findings
that have shaped the area; typical research methods used; formative
theoretical frameworks
2. Write a one-sentence summary of the article
3. Write a one-sentence summary of the article
C. Write a paragraph generalization you want to make about the evidence (an argument or claim).
Write a one-sentence summary of the article – think about key findings
that have shaped the area; typical research methods used; formative
theoretical frameworks
2. Write a one-sentence summary of the article
3. Write a one-sentence summary of the article
III. Analysis/Recommendations
At the end of literature review, present a summary that articulates the
main argument from each section. Follow this statement about what we
know with a presentation of what we do not know.
2) Critique shortcomings of the studies, if any.
Provide an analysis of the research you have just presented: what are
the key themes that emerge? What would you tell someone about this
topic? What are the implications of the research for communication
professionals who work in this topic area?
4) What would you
recommend to these professionals? You may want to consider how larger
trends in digital communication interact with these findings (think the
larger topics we covered in the first half of class: digital divide,
usability, credibility, demographics related to use). Make sure you
provide clear, specific recommendations.
IV. Conclusion: Write one-sentence summarizing what we know about your topic based on the literature.

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