Introduction – Begin the paper with a brief (about 1 page) Introduction, includi

Introduction – Begin the paper with a brief (about 1 page) Introduction, including a thesis and the purpose of your paper.
3. Theory Summary – Next, summarize the theory (2 pages minimum). Who are the authors? What is the theory about? What are the key concepts? Use your textbook and other sources as citations and support.
4. Theory Worldview – Using your sources and our notes, argue whether the theory is primarily objective or interpretive. Then identify and explain where it should be placed on Griffin’s Map of Theory Traditions (see Chapter 4). After those paragraphs, then apply the terms epistemology, ontology, and axiology to your theory (see Chapter 2 for definitions). What is your theory’s epistemology? How does the theorist see the world? Its ontology? Its axiology? It’s best to have a paragraph for each of these three terms (each “ology”) – 2 pages minimum.
5. Theory Analysis – The third section (3 pages minimum) is the bulk of your paper and the most important section. This section is called your Theory Analysis. Based on your decision whether your theory is objective or interpretive, apply Griffin’s standards for a good theory (see Chapter 3), and argue if the theory does or does not satisfy the standards. For example, does Uncertainty Reduction Theory satisfy the standard of “Relative Simplicity?” Why or why not? This section is where you rely primarily on your sources for evidence to support your arguments. For example, once you make a point that the theory does or does not satisfy a standard, you will support that point with examples from your textbook and/or additional sources. Important: Only apply the appropriate six standards to your theory (objective or interpretive), not all twelve standards. Finally, it’s best to organize this section with at least one paragraph per each of the six standards (“The first standard is. . .”).
6. Conclusion – Close your paper with a Conclusion section (1 page minimum) summarizing what your paper has accomplished and end with any final comments about your theory. This is the only section where you can interject your personal opinion about the theory.
7. References – Your paper will have a References page that lists all of the sources (and only the sources) you used in your paper. Please follow strict APA style rules for citations.

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