All the instructions and information you need are in the attached files. (Plz, r

All the instructions and information you need are in the
attached files. (Plz, read the files i attached carefully)
You are required To conduct a sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using the Green-Ampt code for the Green-Ampt Equation with First-Order Sensitivity Analysis (FOUA) for 11 Texture classes for the assigned soil horizon, follow these steps:
Step 1: Obtain Rainfall Data
Use TP 40 ( to obtain 100-year 3-hour rainfall values for your assigned city.
Use the values from the two nearest contours to get upper and lower limits. Use the mean of these values as the baseline. Countors are (3.5 , 4) inches
Step 2: Gather Soil Data (from table-2)
Refer to Rawls et al., (1983) for soil data. Use mean values as baseline.
Use upper and lower limits (one-standard deviation) when available for sensitivity coefficients.
Adjust field capacity values to be lower than porosity.
Step 3: Implement First-Order Sensitivity Analysis (FOUA)
Perform FOUA for Green-Ampt Equation parameters using the provided code.
For each parameter, calculate sensitivity coefficients (Sa and Sr) using equations (1) and (2) in the appendix.
Calculate sensitivity coefficients one at a time, perturbing each input while keeping others at baseline.
Note that Sa and Sr can be positive or negative, indicating the direction of the sensitivity.
Step 4: Uncertainty Analysis
Use FOUA to quantify uncertainty in the model output.
Assume input parameters follow a normal distribution with mean and standard deviation.
Use equations (3), (4), and (5) in the appendix to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the model output.
Step 5: Data Presentation
Present all data neatly in tables, including rainfall values, soil parameters, sensitivity coefficients, and uncertainty analysis results.
Use figures to visually show sensitivity of parameters, and include graphs supporting your findings.
Step 6: Discuss Results
Discuss your results, emphasizing sensitive parameters and their impact on the Green-Ampt model.
Analyze how uncertainties in input parameters propagate through the model and affect the output.
Support your discussion with graphs and tables.
Step 7: List Assumptions
Clearly list all assumptions made during the analysis, such as the normal distribution assumption for input parameters.

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