I need to do an Informative and Persuasive Speech. However, I’m somewhat confuse

I need to do an Informative and Persuasive Speech. However, I’m somewhat confused about the outline and I need help. For the Informative Speech, I will speak about US. Bureau of Statistics (bls.gov). I will provide valid information to show why using valid websites will allow you to have accurate information and not be irrelevant like other websites on the internet. As for the persuasive speech, I will speak about how (Education is a must) because people are able to land better jobs instead of living paycheck to paycheck and getting paid minimum wage or something that sounds better if you as a tutor have a better idea. Topics are for Persuasive Speech (Education is a must) and as I explained above. As for the Topic, I was thinking (Truthful Government Sites). However, if you have better ideas as far as what I would like to speak about I mentioned feel free to add something similar. Please once done, include a Turnitin report to ensure no AI was used. I will upload what has to be done in detail. If you have any questions, please reach out. I will provide a link for picture #6 because the file was too big it said. Thank you! — > Link: https://wetransfer.com/downloads/cbe3d1c4344d2ae96c4b37b190d0aee620231115021413/d6a5195c4aa2a4ce925e88aa399b407b20231115021428/b56f68

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