Project Goals The goals of the project would be to come up with a solution to ma

Project Goals
The goals of the project would be to come up with a solution to manage a hospital database/storage system. This would include having an access control scenario where information can be managed and retrieved/updated. The database would allow various departments to collaborate and access/insert records.
Project Scope:
The primary objective is to streamline the management of medical data. This involves maintaining detailed patient records, scheduling appointments, tracking medical staff information, and managing the hospital’s inventory of medical supplies.
Database Design and Development:
We will create a robust database schema to store patient information, appointment records, medical staff data, and inventory data. This database will serve as the central repository for all hospital-related data.
Project Implementation
The project will be started by creating a visual diagram (ERD) to determine the entities and their attributes and how they relate to each other. Then we will create basic tables to determine and connect primary and secondary keys among tables. Once we have the physical diagram/architecture, we will start implementing the diagram tables in a relational database management system i.e. mySQL. Furthermore, we will create a set of scripts that will allow us to retrieve or update data from tables and update information accordingly. We will use various techniques such as triggers, stored procedures etc. to come up to a working database solution.……
both links are diagrams I need 5 diagrams drawn each
on both drives
2. A security lab, total different lab nothing to do with project

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