Purpose: You will select an issue to explore from Beggars in Spain, come up with

Purpose: You will select an issue to explore from Beggars in Spain, come up with a claim backed by reasoning and evidence, argue your issue from the fictional context of the novel using analogies from the real world to back up your reasoning, and provide a refutation. Your reasoning and evidence will come from the novel and from the real world (outside sources). Beggars in Spain need to be a part of every step. Meaning, that you will back up your claim with reasons from Beggars in Spain, and your evidence will come from Beggars and Spain and outside sources (sometimes the evidence will be from a source, but other times it will come from your own cleverly written analogies and/or prior knowledge).
The question the essay will answer:
Do we, as a culture, value emotion over logic?
This assignment has the following formal requirements:
8 pages long, typed, double-spaced, in proper MLA format
Third or second-person perspective (no first person, i.e., “I,” “me,” “my,” etc.)
An introduction that provides context for your issue/controversy
A specific claim of value that attempts to persuade an audience
An organized body of support that argues on behalf of your claim
3 or more reasons and pieces of evidence to support your claim
3 or more refuting points and pieces of evidence to explain how the opposition falls short
6 or more academic sources are used and properly cited (quotations and paraphrases) to help develop your claim (at least 3 of which must be scholarly, meaning peer-reviewed or an academic journal). The novel does not count as an
Beggars in Spain evidence and details are referenced throughout the essay.
A conclusion that summarizes and extends your claim
A properly formatted Works Cited page
A similarity report of 20% or less on Turnitin.com, with ZERO plagiarism
How Should I Structure My Essay?
Academic writing does not allow a whole lot of freedom for creativity. It is formulaic and very structured. Your essay should be at least 8 paragraphs in length (intro, 6 body paragraphs, conclusion). Please organize your essay according to the following outline (feel free to introduce the reasoning/refutation in a different order if that is your preference):
Introduction (.5-1 page)Include a hook
Provide context for your issue/controversy
Claim of value/thesis statement: Last sentence of intro and briefly explains your 3 main points i.e. “Unfortunately, human beings are naturally selfish, greedy, and competitive, so there will always be segregation in human societies.”
Body of essay (5-6 pages)
Reason 1 + evidence
Topic sentence for this section must include easy to follow transitions i.e. firstly, one reason, etc.
Reason 2 + evidence
Topic sentence for this section must include easy to follow transitions i.e. secondly, another reason, etc.
Reason 3 + evidence
Topic sentence for this section must include easy to follow transitions i.e. finally, a final reason, etc.
Refuting point 1 + evidenceTopic sentence for this section must include easy to follow transitions i.e. however, some would disagree, etc.
Refuting point 2 + evidence
Topic sentence for this section must include easy to follow transitions i.e. on the other hand, the opposition feels that, etc.
Refuting point 3 + evidenceTopic sentence for this section must include easy to follow transitions i.e. unfortunately, others believe that, etc.
Conclusion (.5-1 page)
Restate thesis in different words
Summarize argument (briefly) and extend your claim
Be provocative (see rubric)
Please do not use “in this essay”, do not put the essay into sections, just make sure it flows, and make sure you write at least 8 pages. Do not be overly wordy, and don’t make it hard to understand. make sure to use the book Beggars in Spain , it is very important.

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