Watch the videos and read the articles 1. After having watched the full movie,

Watch the videos and read the articles
1. After having watched the full movie, “Waking Life,” what do you think the director, Richard Linklater, is saying about free will? Substantiate your response with references to at least three scenes in the movie, in which Free Will and the position of Determinism is discussed.
2. Has this movie prompted you to rethink your own position, or feelings, on the existence of FREE WILL? Explain your position, using language and ideas learned in this class.
3. After having watched my lecture on this movie, discuss the relationship between creativity and free will.

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Waking Life
Waking Life
Preview YouTube video Donna Quesada – Philosophy in “Waking Life”
Donna Quesada – Philosophy in “Waking Life”

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