The first question is “Is this or is it not a typical work for its author?” Many

The first question is “Is this or is it not a typical work for its author?” Many authors develop a career profile and readers often classify them as writers inclined, for example, to compose long works or short works, works using specific literary forms, works about war, romance, religion, politics, or autobiography. Demonstrate that you have researched your author’s career and learned what typifies the majority of her/his works. Give specific examples to support this as well as your determination of whether or not your work fits that profile.
The second part of this paper responds to a comparable question about whether or not your work is typical for the literary era in which it appeared. Research the era, whether Elizabethan, Victorian, Modem, Neoclassical, among others, and give examples as to what constitutes a representative work for it. Does the work you have chosen fit this profile or deviate from it?
Papers should be double spaced, follow the Modem Language Association Style Sheet, and use a 12 point font. Staple the pages together; no cover or cover page is necessary. Place your name, class (including section number), and the date of submission on the first page. Number all subsequent pages and place your last name at the top of each page. Place the list of works cited or a bibliography at the end.

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