in this course we have discussed such topics as social inequalities, intersectio

in this course we have discussed such topics as social inequalities, intersectionality, the role of immigration status, as well as the role that poverty, and race play in areas such as curriculum and education.
In a 4 page paper discuss the ways in which inequality and disadvantage impact the experience of childhood. In what ways do the topics mentioned above create disadvantage and inequality for children? How can these disadvantages effect the way a child’s life turnout (Through adulthood). Finally, what is needed to counteract the disadvantages set in place for certain children.
Be sure to reference 4 readings from the above dates. The 3page minimum does not include your reference sheet.

Additionally, this is not an opinion paper be sure to avoid the use of the “I” or “I believe” as they indicate opinion and information should be based in fact. Use class material and you may use outside sources but four (4) of the sources must be from course material.

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