Active learning assignments provide the opportunity for you to demonstrate your

Active learning assignments provide the opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of ethnic-racial socialization practices in both home and child care/school environments (SLO 1), the causes of racism (SLO 5), and the history of African Americans’ experiences of racism and discrimination in the United States; (SLO 6). AL assignments must be a minimum of 2 pages (500 words) each; at least one page of notes and one page summary.
Each week, complete this assignment by submitting:
Your study notes from the material (readings, videos, podcasts). Can be a scanned copy of handwritten notes, bulleted lists, whatever you prefer.
A summary of what you learned, explaining the material for this week in your own words. You don’t have to cover everything, but try to hit the main points.
What you are doing for this assignment is handing in two things, either in one document or on seperate documents. The first part is your notes from all of the different assigned readings/podcasts/videos. This should be at least one page. The second part is a summary synthesizing all of the content from the week, explaining to me what you learned.
Read:Van Ausdale, D., & Feagin, J. R. (2001). The first R: How children learn race and racism. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Chapter 3
Derman-Sparks, L., Edwards, J. O., & Goins, C. M. (2020). Anti-bias education for young children & ourselves (2nd ed.). National Association for the Education of Young Children. Chapter 4.

How Racism Can Affect Child Development
NPR Code Switch Podcast: The Sum of Our Parts | 36:46
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