The “Current Events in Public Health” assignments are designed to help integrate

The “Current Events in Public Health” assignments are designed to help integrate the concepts in each module and then relate them to public health current events. This week the topic is:
This week, choose one of the articles below that interests you. You will read and summarize it. Then you explore the determinants to find a PRIMARY one. You will also research it’s social determinants.
Topic 1 Cancer and DeterminantsLinks to an external site.
Topic 2: Motor Vehicle Accidents in Youth and DeterminantLinks to an external site.
Topic 3: Pick your own topic and search its determinants. Inbox me for suggestions or if you want help!
*** You will keep this topic for next week so pick one you like!!
Assignment Steps
1. Choose one of the topics above that interests you and read it.
2. Read it and write a 3-5 sentence summary. DO NOT DO MORE THAN 5 SENTANCES.
3. According to your article, what is the biggest contributing determinate” It should be ONE of these. (hint, they may give examples and YOU need to decide the category). Tell us about this PRIMARY determinant from these categories.
Biology and genetics
Individual behavior
Social factors (SDoH)
Health services (SDoH +Policy)
4.Now search: “(topic of your article) and social determinants (SDoH) ” and find a SDoH about your issue. For example, I searched “SIDS and social determinants”
5. Comment on what you learned. Relate your determinants to the problem.
Fill: Determinant: category: example SDoH: explain See mine below.
6. For the bibliography, cite the article you read (pretty easy since I have it right there!) and then you must have at least one and not more than two more sources.

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