Introduction In the example from our campus, I used the yoga class flyer to tie

In the example from our campus, I used the yoga class flyer to tie the activity back to HP 2030. Here is the flyer for the meditation class
Actions and the analysis again.What: Free yoga class on campus.
Initiative:Reduce the proportion of adults with high blood pressure
(HBP) — HDS‑04
Why important: High blood pressure can lead to stroke (1)
Distribution: 1 in 5 young adults has HPB (2) Hispanic (3.1%), followed by African American (2.7%), white (2.6%), and Asian (1.7%) adolescents). Interestingly, obese white adolescents had the highest prevalence of sustained hypertension (7.4%) (3)
Links to an external siteDeterminants: HBP can be due to stress (community- school) , genetics and lifestyle (behavior) such as food choices and exercise. (2)
Intervention: Free meditation/yoga class on campus to decrease stress.This campaign addresses COMMUNITY(stress at college-SDoH too) and requires a BEHAVIORchange (to do yoga to address stress)
Feasible: Basic meditation free classes! Not too expensive.
Creative: Its fun! Mindfullness is so in style! : ) It’s incentive as it is FREE.
Targeted: students because it is on campus.
Continue to use your billboard, commercial, pop-up ad, posted class or TV commercial that is health related.
Fill out these categories. You will use this example later sections so keep it on hand.
Initiative: fill in from last time
Why important: fill in from last time
Distribution: find how prevalent this problem is. Tell us who (gender, age, race) has this problem
Determinants: research and find the MAIN determinant (is it a behavior, genetic or environmental/community) and tell us a bit about the social determinant (poverty, racism, occupation, community etc) that drives this problem?
Intervention: X this is in a later module
feasible: X this is in a later module
creative: X this is in a later module
targeted: X this is in a later module
Fill out the above and share your inspiration photo or link.
Here is a billboard I found on the way to LA. I was curious if it was for health or a right to life ad since it said Plan A as a reference to the Plan B pill.
What: Billboard that advertises site for HIV prevention.
Initiative: Reduce the number of new HIV infections — HIV‑01 Links to an external site.
Why important:More than 700,000 American lives have been lost to HIV since 1981 (1) It is a communicable disease.
Distribution: Approximately 1.2 million people in the U.S.a have HIV.(1) By race, 40% African American, 28 % white and the rest mixed. For women combined with race the incidence is, black women (1 in 54) and Latinas (1 in 256) than for white women (1 in 941).
Determinants: Behavior-unprotected sex SDoH-if you are below the poverty rate, incidence is 2.4%, above poverty rate is only 0.3% (2) This could be due to many factors known to impact lower SES groups including knowledge, community and health access .
1. to an external site.
Links to an external site.2. to an external site.
4. to an external site.

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