Forum Instructions: Sustaining End of Life Issues: Case Studies (View the Ethics

Forum Instructions: Sustaining End of Life Issues: Case Studies (View the Ethics Lecture and Read Case Studies Handout before writing your main post.) The Forum Handout lists six (6) case studies.
Joining a NEW Forum Group: Each student will choose one of the six cases (Post fist to claim your cases please.) Cases will overlap between some of you but all 6 cases must be addressed within each forum group so as to create a broader discussion. No duplication of cases allowed until all 6 have been covered. The last joiners should pick from left over cases.
Answer all of the handout prompt questions/talking points for your selected case.
Main Post (2 – 3 paragraphs): Relate your ethics discussion to the course materials covered in ethics.
Reply to 2 Different Main Posts (1 paragraph): Reply to others as often as you like to other student’s but label your two graded replies as Rely #1 and Reply #2.

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