Using HeinOnLine via the Butler Library website, please find and describe four a

Using HeinOnLine via the Butler Library website, please find and describe four administrative hearings that involve your company (or its competitors). Be sure to provide the facts of the scenario, why the resolution was administrative rather than through a judicial hearing. Provide the amount of any fines (compared to the company’s net worth at the time) and whether there were any other penalties. Proide a bibliography.
my company is HarperCollins
Note: Use hearings from four different federal agencies! Consider: DOLabor, DOCommerce, FTC, NTHSA, EPA, CDC, NIH, EEOC, DOJ.
Writing Requirements: All writing submitted on Blackboard must be spaced 1.5 lines, using .75 inch
margins all around and 12 pt. Times New Roman font! Attachments are not allowed! Word/length
requirements will be checked and used to calculate the grade. Do NOT insert extra spacing between
paragraphs. Be sure to proofread as grammatical and spelling errors will be penalized! NO
LOCATION ON BLACKBOARD! No late submissions will be graded without a doctor’s note (which
will be confirmed by the instructor!). Common writing errors include (but are not limited to): use of the
present tense; confusion of plural and possessive; incorrect capitalization; dangling clauses (or
something written as if it is a sentence but actually is not); writing in the first or second person
(academic writing for this class must be ONLY in the third person); more than two direct quotes in an
entire assignment; direct quotes that are more than one sentence long; direct quotes that are not properly
cited; unbalanced tenses in the same paragraph; starting a sentence with a numeral, “and,” or “because;”
inserting extra spacing between paragraphs; misspelled words, and failure to identify the source of
EVERY statement of fact. DO NOT REFER TO “this, these, them, that, they, it” or “those!” Late
submissions of writing assignments will not be graded. Students are expected to paraphrase information
(put in your own words) and properly cite the source of the information.
To find Supreme Court or US Ct of Appeals cases: Access Butler Library via the internet
Choose FIND along the upper menu bar à Choose Research by Subject à Choose Law à Choose
HeinOnLine search engine
Within HeinOnLine, a search must be limited to the last 50 years and to the federal courts. There is
much valuable information available in HeinOnLine if the search is limited to Law Journals as well.
Caution: Do NOT use Bar Association journals. Do NOT use law firm websites! Cite your sources!
To find historical information or journal articles: Access Butler Library via the internet
Choose FIND à Choose Research by Subject à Choose History, or other topics. à Choose reputable
search engines, e.g., JStor

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