Summary Assignment type:Essay (any type) Service:Writing Assignment size:6 pages

Assignment type:Essay (any type)
Assignment size:6 pages / 1650 words (Double spacing)
Education level:University
Language:English (US)
Assignment topic:Write a paper that describes the role of information technology in your chosen field, using the elements listed in the grading rubric
Subject:Other other
Sources:4 sources required
No matter what your field of work is currently or in what field you plan to pursue a career, information technology impacts every type of work. For this project, you will write a 5-6 page paper that describes the role of information technology in your chosen field, using the elements listed in the grading rubric below.
Note: You are not required to disclose the name or location of your employer.
Use the following as headers in your paper as you write your analysis:
I. The Role of IT in my field, including specific systems used (25 points)
II. How IT has impacted the business strategy of companies in my field (See p. 21 in the Pearlson text.) (25 points)
III. How digital systems impact stakeholders in my field (executives, employees, IT department, vendors, customers, etc.) (25 points)
IV. Training(s) I think I will need for success in the digital reality of my field of work (25 points)
• Paper must include a 5-6 page narrative, written completely in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins all around, and double spacing in the narrative and between paragraphs. (Do not put more than double spacing between paragraphs or between sections of the paper.) Indents are only to be used in the first sentence of each paragraph. Otherwise, no indents on the narrative. Paper narrative must be at least 5 full, complete pages in length. Title page, references, and graphics do not count as narrative. If you use a graphic, put it in an appendix after the reference list.
• Use the 4 headers listed above for your narrative.
• Reference list (the 4 sources you used, one of which must be the Pearlson text) should appear in an alphabetized list at the end of the 5-6 page narrative, and all sources must be cited in the body of the paper. Reference list may be single spaced. Do not use footnotes. my field is a Tax associate

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