Histology Project subject : cleft palate -you can include pictures, make sure i

Histology Project
subject : cleft palate
-you can include pictures, make sure in each slide you write in the comment box information for me to read ( I have to record my voice over this powerpoint), each slide i have to talk aproxmitly for a minute, don’t use hard words) 🙂
Histology Project
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
10 ptsFull Marks
Introduction is easy to follow. Introduces developmental disorder and content of the presentation
5 ptsPartial Marks
Introduction is poorly organized, unclear, or does not introduce developmental disorder and content of the presentation well
0 ptsNo Marks
Introduction not present
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of disorder
10 ptsFull Marks
Accurate information, good descriptions
5 ptsPartial Marks
Slightly incorrect information or poor/unclear
0 ptsNo Marks
No descriptions given or very inaccurate information
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEtiology
10 ptsFull Marks
Adequate discussion of etiology, including histology if applicable
5 ptsPartial Marks
Slightly inadequate or incorrect information
0 ptsNo Marks
No discussion of etiology or very inaccurate information
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTreatment and prognosis
10 ptsFull Marks
Accurate information, good descriptions
5 ptsPartial Marks
Slightly inadequate or incorrect information
0 ptsNo Marks
No discussion of etiology or very inaccurate information
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
10 ptsFull Marks
Summarizes key points well. Flows nicely
5 ptsPartial Marks
Poorly organized, unclear, or does not summarize developmental disorder and content of the presentation well
0 ptsNo Marks
No conclusion
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpelling, punctuation grammar, formatting
10 ptsFull Marks
Correct spelling, punctuation, spelling, and use of grammar. Correct APA citations
5 ptsPartial Marks
Five or less mistakes with spelling, punctuation, use of grammar, or APA citations
0 ptsNo Marks
6 or more mistakes with spelling, punctuation, use of grammar, or APA citations
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
10 ptsFull Marks
Demonstrates a good understanding of subject matter, focused on key concepts
5 ptsPartial Marks
Demonstrates fair understanding of subject matter
0 ptsNo Marks
Demonstrates poor understanding of subject matter
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreativity/ Visuals
10 ptsFull Marks
Student used an interesting digital tool or used it in a different way, showing that the student put forth thought and effort. Visually appealing. 5-10 images
5 ptsPartial Marks
Visuals were lacking quality, or not enough images/ too much text. Could have spent more effort on creativity
0 ptsNo Marks
Final product appeared to be compiled too quickly/ last minute, with little thought or effort. Not visually appealing
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences
10 ptsFull Marks
3 credible references All citations in correct APA format
5 ptsPartial Marks
3 credible references Mistakes in APA formatting
0 ptsNo Marks
Less than 3 credible references
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength
10 ptsFull Marks
Digital media was 10+ minutes in length or 10+ slides
5 ptsPartial Marks
5-9 minutes or 5-9 slides
0 ptsNo Marks
Less than 5 minutes or less than 5 slides
10 pts
Total Points: 100

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