Watch the videos – Race: The Power of an Illusion – Viewing of the video will be

Watch the videos – Race: The Power of an Illusion – Viewing of the video will be in class
Answer the following questions using full sentences. These should all be short answers.
What are some biological differences that have been associated with race that set hierarchical or social differences between different “races”?
By focusing on biological differences, what elements of social life did scientists ignore to better understand differences in health status among African Americans?
How was racial science used to justify eugenics? What assumptions were made about complex human traits?
What were the scientific justifications for Jesse Owen’s superior athletic abilities?
What does it mean that race in only skin deep? In other words, are racial characteristics (skin color, hair type) correlated with complex human traits? Why or why not?
What were the surprising findings of Richard Lewontin’s study? Do his findings mean that every group has the same risk of different traits?
Is sickle cell a racial trait? What accounts for an increased risk of having sickle cell trait and why is having sickle cell trait important?
Who is Evelynn Hammonds (one of the commentators). Go to the library and find a paper/book/book chapter that she has written. What is it about?
What is one aspect of the video that surprised you? If nothing surprised you, what clarification did you gain about race?
Name at least two different racial projects in the video and the institutions that supported them. What were the intentions of these projects and consequences?

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