An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documen

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by an annotation, or a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph about the reference. This bibliography consists of 10 credible sources to learn more about your topic. Make sure you use APA formattingLinks to an external site..
What is a credible source?
For this project, a credible source is a research- or scholarship-based piece of writing or presentation, in English. Most desirable sources: Research articles from the MU Library databases, News/magazine articles with in-depth reporting from sources like regional newspapers, The Atlantic, The Nation, The National Review, NPR, etc To develop skills in critical reading of the media, this site is helpful:: to an external site.
The goal of the Annotated Bibliography is to educate yourself more generally about your specific topic and the broader issues of racial segregation related to it. These sources can be drawn from popular, but still credible, literature, like Wikipedia. Put this on your Google doc, word doc, etc., titled Annotated Bibliography. Again, this bibliography consists of 10 credible sources to learn more about your topic. Make sure you use APA formatting.

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