1. Watch the following videos on Fats. 2. From the videos above, answer the foll

1. Watch the following videos on Fats.
2. From the videos above, answer the following questions:
Prior to this class, what was your thoughts on Fats?
After reading the chapter material and watching the videos, how has that previous view on Fats in your diet been changed of modified?
3. Reply to a classmate.
Do not reply to a reply.
20 points for your original post and 10 points for replying to your classmates.
As a reminder on your replies:
10 points for your replies to a classmate original posts, not on a reply they left for another classmate. (Click “Reply” at the bottom of their main post):
Your reply to a classmate must be at least 3 substantial sentences. The items below are example of brief, vague or “throw-away” response statements and will not receive credit. It is okay to include them in addition to your 3 substantial sentences, but not instead of your 3 substantial sentences.

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