The reaction paper is your first intervention for this course. I believe these papers will help you develop more self-awareness. And this is crucial for your well-being and relationships. Your reaction paper should be based on watching/listening to one of my pre-recorded lectures, which are below each chapter lecture notes in Modules. This should help you integrate concepts learned in the lecture(s) that relate to a personal experience in your reaction paper, which you write about. I do not want a summary or an explanation of a concept or theory, textbook chapter, or my lecture. One page or more is required to earn 10 points. Be open to the experience of developing your narrative identity, your evolving life story, by reacting with describing a personal experience. There is no particular format necessary. Font size should be 12. Acceptable font styles include Times New Roman, Ariel, or Courier. And your margins should be no more than 1”. And double spaced.
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