CHAPTER 5 CHECK AND RESUBMISSION Attached Files: Chapter 5-check.ppt Chapter 5-c

Attached Files: Chapter 5-check.ppt Chapter 5-check.ppt – Alternative Formats (11.068 MB)
From this point going forward, all drawings assigned will go thru a two step submission process. The initial date for each assignment will be to submit them for “check”. This submission will receive full credit (with the exception of a missing border or title block) even if the drawings are incorrect. You will then have one week to correct the drawings and resubmit. I will provide check prints for you to check you drawings against and provide for resubmission the following week. If your drawings are correct on the first submission, then you will not have much work to resubmit them for final grading. This week we will start this process with Chapter 5 work. Check your drawings against the provided check prints in the included power point. Check every detail and ensure your drawing matches that in the check print. In this power point there is a page that gives guidance on how many points will be deducted for mistakes. There is also an example markup drawing that was done on assignment 5.1. I have also included check prints for the extra credit drawings offered. To be clear, ALL DRAWINGS FOR INITIAL SUBMISSION AND CHECK SUBMISSION ARE TO BE PLOTTED TO PDF IN LAYOUT 1 OR OTHERWISE KNOWN AS PAPER SPACE. IF YOUR PDF FILE IS PRINTED IN MODEL SPACE AND DOES NOT INCLUDE A BORDER OR TITLE BLOCK AS SPECIFIED IN THE POWER POINTS, I WILL DEDUCT 25 POINTS ON EACH OFFENDING DRAWING. IF THE TITLE BLOCK AND BORDER ARE PRESENT, I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE CHECK DEDUCTING POINTS PER THE GUIDE IN THIS POWER POINT. YOU ALSO STILL REQUIRED TO SUBMIT THE .DWG FILE FOR EACH ASSIGNED DRAWING. Also, to not fall behind on instruction, there will be new assignments given each week along with the resubmission on the current drawings. See the next assignment listed for Chapter 8 – Section views.
Attached Files: Chapter 8 – Section Views.ppt Chapter 8 – Section Views.ppt – Alternative Formats (3.501 MB)
Chapter (222.619 MB)
This week’s instruction will focus on section views. Watch the video lecture on chapter 8, section views and follow along in the power point included. Watch the videos on Projects 8.1 and 8.2 to complete the required drawings. 8.1 is a part that you have drawn already and now you will just be adding a section view. 8.2 is a new part and will require the completion of the drawing from scratch. Be sure to use the correct prototype file called out in the power point that will include the border and title block. Be sure to plot each drawing to a .PDF file to include this border and title block and also submit the .DWG file for each drawing. You should be submitting four files total, two PDF’s and two .DWG files. The first submission for this assignment is due next Monday, November 6, 2023 by 11:59PM. The check submission assignment will open next Monday. If you have any questions, feel free to email me or join one of the scheduled Zoom calls on Monday’s or Friday’s.
Chapter 8 videos are again uploaded as a ZIP folder and will need to be downloaded and unzipped to view the videos.

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