Final Project: The purpose of this project is to help you be more familiar with

Final Project: The purpose of this project is to help you be more familiar with literature review, meta-analysis and the value of statistics in research. You will pick a health topic of your choice (examples: COPD and occupations, asthma and children, arthritis and elderly, cardiovascular diseases and diet…) and analyze what research explains about it. The project consists of finding 5 recently published articles in scientific and academic journals that use statistical analysis. All 5 articles have to be linked to your main topic.
You have to submit one article per week following the article template below. Your final project will consist of bringing together all your weekly findings and adding a final discussion and a conclusion.
Article Template:
Article 1 Title
Reference Citation
Summary of the Article (including findings)
List of Statistical Techniques used by the authors of the article
Inclusion Criteria:
Articles should not be older than 5 years.
Articles should be original research published in journals by the authors of the study of itself (original work). Literature reviews and meta-analysis are not accepted.
Articles should be directly linked to your topic.
Disregard any article that does not have a distinct statistical analysis in the Materials and Methods.
Final Project PowerPoint Presentation: Project PowerPoint Presentation- The slides should represent a visual effect of what you focused on in your Final Project Paper. Keep in mind that this is not a paper, so please limit the use of too many words in your presentation. Final Project PowerPoint Presentation Due Week 8.
Paper – The paper must be 10-15 pages, in WORD, typed and double-spaced, cover page, with sources, cited both in-text and on a reference page (per APA format). See the grading rubric for more detailed grading criteria.

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